Siemens Motion Control in Erlangen, Nuremberg, develops exciting manufacturing model for goal-driven, digital manufacturing.
Pioneering new methods, setting new standards for efficiency, taking on new challenges: This is the foundation of the success of the Digital Industry Division at Siemens Motion Control in Erlangen. Drawing on innovative ideas and manufacturing concepts that were implemented together with SEHO, the company enters the home stretch on its way to the lean digital factory.
One of the hightlights at the Siemens Erlangen production plant is the new THT line made by SEHO. It is designed for the matrix manufacturing concept that is Siemens’ goal. The line is expandable and its degree of automation is successively scalable. “We worked very closely with SEHO on the realization of this line. This allowed us to implement a concept that alligns perfectly with our corporate strategy: flexible automation for a lean, digital factory”, says Werner Eckert, manufacturing technology expert at Siemens Erlangen.
The new manufacturing concept allows to assemble the different product types in variable quantities with great efficiency, thus allowing flexible reaction to customer requirements.